our Sectors

Quality of Life Gulf Entertainment Company:

Our strategic subsidiary, Quality of Life Gulf Entertainment Company, specializes in enhancing the quality of life within the significant transformations underway in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our national responsibility compels us to play a vital role in achieving sustainability, leveraging technology and artificial intelligence to meet the goals of Vision 2030.

Al Anoud Gulf Military Equipment Company:

This subsidiary focuses on providing logistical support to the military sector, in line with the increasing emphasis on defense industry localization in accordance with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Al Anoud Gulf Trading Company:

As the commercial arm of Al Anoud Gulf Company, we dedicated to delivering high-quality services in the industrial, construction, and agricultural sectors. We partner with leading global companies to provide services and products that exceed our clients’ expectations.

Logistics Services:

We offer a comprehensive suite of logistics services to both local and international investors.

  • We play a pivotal role in establishing and developing companies.
  • We provide the essential infrastructure for operation and maintenance.
  • We offer innovative consultancy solutions that empower companies to efficiently meet market demands.

Real Estate and Property Management:

We manage a diverse portfolio of government, commercial, and residential properties across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including properties designated for charitable organizations. We also provide tailored residential solutions for major industrial companies, whether local or international.

Engineering and Construction:

We specialize in various engineering disciplines, ranging from civil engineering to energy and water management. We also offer innovative design and decor solutions to meet the needs of both government and commercial sectors.
